ponedjeljak, 7. siječnja 2013.

Nikola Tesla (Smiljan, 10. srpnja 1856. - New York, 7. siječnja 1943.)

Nikola Tesla (Smiljan, 10. srpnja 1856. - New York, 7. siječnja 1943.)

... slavljen i ovim načinom:

Tesla E-max Motorbike concept
Tesla E-max motorbike

Motorcycle enthusiast Madella Simone has designed this unusual e-bike with the frame made of piezoelectric materials to generate electricity from the bumps and twists when the bike is ridden. In addition, a Halite fabric layer on the seat converts body heat into electricity. These supplementary energy sources will feed into the battery that powers the electric motors on the two wheels.


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... kolaž Šokca !